The Ending
From November 6th to November 17th the 23rd annual COP conference took place in Bonn, Germany in which 9 students along with their teachers got to have a once in a lifetime experience. The trip helped us build career and lifestyle skills, create opportunities to meet people, develop our career interests, find inspiration, and overall have a good time. Although we are all exhausted from the early morning to late night schedules (also jet lag), I don’t think anyone would change the trip at all. At the conference we were expected to be able to start conversations with people to find out why they were there and what their plans were. We followed schedules of conference meetings that we had planned out for that day or picked up sessions along the way, which provided us with the skill of being organized and making our days productive. At the conference it is very easy to make contacts and I can guarantee that people will give you their business card or, as I’ve seen everywhere, flash d...